5 days late and freaking out.



According to my P <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">period app</a> my projected start date was September 28 I logged that I started on September 1st. Maybe I miss logged. I am really confused but according to my app I am 5 days late. My SO and I had protected sex last month September 11th (which was protected using a condom and spermicide gel and also was one of my fertile days) I guess I am confused as am I 5 days late or not or only a day or so late if I started last month on the first? Currently I am getting all the usually PMS symptoms (ance,leg tightness, bloating cramping etc all the usual symptoms) symptoms but no period. 😕 My bf and I have barely been together two months and are long distance. I don't know if it's late because I am really stressing about or I miss wrote the date of when I started last month. I am usually pretty regular every 27 days. Just confused. Any input would be appreciate thanks. :)