Between my mom and my husband


I am so tired! I love my baby so much, but I have not been able to enjoy him. I am between my mother and my husband. My husband is the one working, and I am staying home taking care of the baby. My mother came from Venezuela to help me because I am a first time mom. My husband cannot help me at night because he works early, and I go to my mother's room so she can help me. I stay with her because it is just easier than coming and going from one room to another. My husband doesn't like that my mom spends all that time with the baby, but he doesn't want to help me either. He also expects me to do all the cleaning around the house. He is tired of washing his hands before touching the baby or having to clean himself off after smoking.

Today he told me he felt used. He said he feels like just the guy that pays the bills. He tired of me, the dog and my mom. He told me to just leave if I am not going to fulfill my wife duties. He said he is miserable. He is tired of just having a roommate.

My mother is supposed to stay with us until January, but she is now telling me she will leave if that will make it better. That will means having no help because hunting season is coming. She is telling me that I either leave with her or stay with him.

This all started since the baby arrived. I am so tired of crying. I woke happy today, and all that I received was insults and raising voices.

I have been trying to make my marriage work because it used to be abusive, but I guess it is not working. I am scare that it will become abusive again if my mother leaves and we are left with the stress of having a baby.

If I leave, I don't have where to go. I cannot work because I am waiting on my papers. I love my husband, but I don't know what to do.

I guess I am looking for advice if you have any. I just don't have anyone to talk about it that is not bias. Thank you in advance.