my sweet baby girl ❤️

At 37 weeks I had my first membrane sweep and didn't end up having any contractions. My doctor offered to do it again the following week and I went into labor right after I left his office. Hubby and I packed up and headed to drop our son off and went to the hospital. When I got there I was still a 5, but with contractions about 2 minutes apart and pretty painful. They had me go walk for an hour and soon after I came back I escalated to a 7 and they decided to move me to l&d. The pain got unbearable really quickly and I got an epidural as I walked in the delivery room. My doctor came and checked me 10 minutes later and I was a 9 and he broke my water. The epidural kicked in but I could feel my daughter really low about 5 minutes after breaking my water. The doctor came in and I pushed once and there on my chest was my beautiful baby girl. She was 6 lbs 8 oz and completely perfect. I am so in love!