If you were cheated on, would you stay with him?

So I'm sorry to bring politics here but I've been really thinking about this and I wanted to see if anyone has been thinking the same thing. Hillary Clinton's husband cheated on her and it was made to be public in probably the worst way, I mean who doesn't know about Monica Lewinsky. I know when I was cheated on I felt so stupid and lost so much respect for myself and I was afraid others lost respect for me too. I of course could not stay with that guy despite that I still love him dearly, so I was wondering what you girls think about the fact that Hillary has stayed with Bill and what you think of that compared to your own experiences. I mean I can't decide, does it make her strong or stupid? Does it mean that the relationship between her and her husband may not be as strong or true because of what he did? Not that I'm voting for Trump and want to start a fight I just wanted to see what everyone thinks about the subject... I just don't know many people who can get over cheating very easily.