3rd trimester?!

Clarissa • Mama
So this app says today starts my final trimester- how did that happen so quickly?!
I had a check up today and everything is going very well! I still have gained less than one pound, my blood pressure is back to normal, and the baby is growing on track! My doctor ordered an ultrasound for my 34th week which is super exciting! (Because of where the baby was laying at 20w they were unable to see her face and part of her brain, but everything else came out great).
I'm hoping I can get my final hospital tour in the next couple of weeks and our shower is coming up on the 16!!
Having had such a hard time in the first two trimesters, I am so thankful to start my third on this note! Sure I may have vomited up my breakfast immediately after eating it, but at least Baby Girl and I are healthy!! I just can't believe she'll be here so soon!!
How are things going for you?!