Pregnant Again and losing a friend

Sorry for this being lond and anybody that has judgment and negative comments screw you!!! You don't know me or my story.

I have a son that haven't even turned 6 months yet and I'm pregnant again. I didn't get my period last month and at first I thought nothing of it. Before i had my son I missed my period every year around this time and since having my son me and my SO really haven't been intament. We have had a lot going on between our son, school, work and just major obsticals that have come about. Anyway I remembered I thought nothing of it last year and well I was pregnant. I never wanted kids, didn't think I would be good at being a mom and thought your world basically end when you had them but my SO always wanted kids and after discussing it we had our beloved and I could not be happier. I love him so much. Back to being pregnant not only do I not want another child right now while we have a kid still in diapers but we really just do not have the finance. We have one car that caught on fire another that was in a car accident that the insurance will not pay for, my SO have legal problems coming up and the lawyer costing us out the ass (It was not his fault that's why we paying lawyer to fight). We have to move my neighborhood is going down (wasn't always a bad place to live)and I just don't want my son growing up in this (someone just got shot right around the corner from me, it was so close a bullet went through the window of the unit right beside mines and multiple people have been robbed ). So between lawyer, court fees, everyday bills, baby stuff, having to get a new car ect. Right now it wouldn't be fair to have another kid. Not to mention both of our parents will call us all types of stupid. My friend was here when I took the test and was excited for a new baby. She call me later after my SO got home and ask was he happy. I told her we decided not to keep the baby because we can't provide at this moment and we prefer if she didn't tell anyone else because we felt bad enough without other people opinion. She went off and started telling me she didn't agree with what we was doing and why we couldn't just put the baby up for adoption? Me and my So just felt we wouldn't be able to just hand our child to someone else. She started calling us murders and said she would never talk to me again. It really hurt my feelings because I'm just trying to do what is best. So many people bring kids into this world knowing they don't have the funds to take care of them. If we had the money this wouldn't even be a issue. I always supported her I just wish even with her disagreeing she would support me.