What do you think of hospital classes?

My hospital offers a variety of classes to help people prepare for baby and I'm considering signing up for a few... I tend to be both a planner and a worrier though, so I find myself wondering if I'm going overboard. These are the classes I'm considering:
- Keeping Kids Safe - 3 HR course covering infant/child/adult CPR and choking protocol 
- Baby Your Baby - 3 HR course covering feeding, bathing, burping, swaddling, and other newborn care techniques... baby care basics, SIDS, etc...
- Art of Breastfeeding - 3 HR course covering common challenges, feeding cues, milk production etc
Each class is $25/person. The baby care class would be a bit of a refresher for me since I have childcare experience, but would be very beneficial for my husband as he has no experience whatsoever. 
Does anyone have experience with classes like this? If so, do you find them helpful?
If you haven't taken classes but have kids... do you think they would be helpful for first time parents?