Confessions of a sick parent 😷

So as I lay in bed beside my husband after 36 hours of vomiting and shitting, battling between ourselves over who has to use the downstairs toilet (i.e who is less likely to shit on the carpet) I suddenly remember that I have a 5 month old child.
Note: said child is currently with his Nana for a sleepover
Then it dawns on me that I have been so sick that I've not text once or rang once to see how he is.
Part of me thinks I should feel awful, but I don't.
I'm hoping it's my mothering instinct telling me he's fine, or the fact that Nana had her own 4 children so is probably a pro at babysitting. 
Either way, I have about 9 more hours of being child-free to pull myself together from this horrendous bug so I'll park my shame and guilt until then, crawl back in to bed and attempt to sleep.