second guessing everything

Got checked at 39 weeks today and same as week 38: 1cm dilated & 70% effaced, which means baby could come tomorrow or still over a week... I've been having sporadic cramping all day, before and after my appointment, but I went to bed at almost midnight & had a huge contraction, but ignored it bc I've been having Braxton hicks for 3 weeks now. I woke up an hour later at 1:30am with a huge, painful contraction and started tracking what seemed like stronger, regular contractions, every 4-7 minutes and 1 min at a time. After a 1/2 hr I woke my husband and said it may be time but was going to give them a half hour more and maybe shower. They kept coming between 5-6 min apart for a half hr so I got up, went pee and swear I leaked a little, but then they started slowing down to every 10-12 minutes. They say if you change positions and they let up it's not the real thing but these feel so much stronger than any BH I've had. Hosp is 45 min away & this is my second so I don't want to leave my house until absolutely necessary. Sitting on an exercise ball now and if the next one doesn't come for 10 min I'm giving up and going to try to go back to sleep. What a tease. At this point I truly just want to make sure I get there in time for an epidural 👌🏼 The second time is so different, I wish it was as clear cut as my first (regular contractions/bloody show for 2 hrs, water broke & went to hosp). Sorry for the long story but was wondering if any other mamas are dealing with the same?!?I