Emotional Wreck this morning

Just when I'm sitting here loathing in self pitty because I woke up with yet another headache, my feet are swollen, my pelvic pain is worse than ever, and then my pelvis pops (😖 OUCH!!) while I'm trying to get out of bed, my oldest comes in and asks me a question that just breaks my heart and makes me extremely proud at the same time. 
She's in 4th grade and has a friend in her class who was diagnosed with a brain tumor this past spring. She asked if she could cut her hair off and donate it in honor of her friend. My girl, who turns 10 very soon, wants to donate the most precious thing to her for someone else! I immediately broke down in tears!!! She LOVES her long hair. Hardly let's me trim it, much less CUT IT OFF! I guess I'm not doing SUCH a bad job at this mom thing after all! Now excuse my while I go use up all the tissues!