We were in and out of the hospital for a week due to contractions, and on the 15th of September they...

Daniella • We are as of now a family of 4, hoping to be a family of 5 if everything goes well! ❤️
We were in and out of the hospital for a week due to contractions, and on the 15th of September they got more frequent and more intense so we went in again. When we arrived it was just about 8:00pm and they checked me, I was at 5cm and my contractions were 2-4 minutes apart. They had me stay for an hour to see change. When they came back at 9:30 I was at a 5 1\2 but my contractions were spreading out to 6-8 minutes apart.. They sent me home at 10 and I was home by 11.. Well 12:00am comes and my contractions are further apart but extremely painful.. I go to take a bath and that just made it worse.. I start crying with the contractions and told my husband to call the doc and see what's going on. She said it sounds like you're making change, go ahead and come back in. We left my house just around 12:30 and got to the hospital just before 1am ... They get me in a room and check me, I was at 6 1\2 and the nurse said you won't be going home without a baby this time. I get gowned and in a Labor and Delivery room. I wanted an epidural to begin with and begged for one but by the time my blood got drawn and an IV started I was dilated to an 8 1\2 and my water was breaking so there was no time. Needless to say, after my TWO water bags broke it was time to push. Something felt wrong and I tried to tell the doctors and my husband but all that came out were screams.. Turned out my son was stuck in my left hip and they had to shove my knee in my face ands twist my body the opposite way then push him out of my hip.. It took one more push and he was here! He wasn't crying at first and his face was extremely bruised so they thought he was gone but he ended up being fine. We were able to leave the following day.. But man it was an exhausting night