Waiting not so patiently for ultrasound Monday


I have 5 kiddos absorber had an issue with fertility until this past year. We wanted one more and I had 3 MC. After a lot of doctor appointments, they discovered I have a blood disorder that makes clots form in my uterus, causing the MC. My blood Dr said I wouldn't have another baby, but I could take aspirin to try. Well.. I had my bfp a week or so ago and went right to the ob asap. He scheduld an early ultrasound for Monday to verify baby is OK and I don't have blood clots. I'm actually writing this at the blood Dr office where I am waiting for him to put me on twice a week heparin injections.

But.... I am all of a sudden freaking out about Monday. My husband can't be there because if work.... Now all the what its are racing through my mind as we get closer to Monday. And there are so very many of them!

I also have a lap band, so I cantthrow up. I am nauseous, dizzy, exhausted, hungry all the time, and my breasts are killing me, which I know are all good things.

Any mama's who went through this already how did you deal with the waiting?