My birth story

At 36+6 weeks I woke up to what I thought was a cramp at 6:30 in the morning. The pain wasn't too horrible so I thought I needed to switch positions. About 10 minutes after that I felt another so again I switched positions in bed. Another 10 minutes and had another so I got out of bed and walked in the living room and told my husband I think I might be in labor. He kinda brushed it off cause I had said it several times before and it always went so I sit on the couch and about 10 minutes after the last one I felt a stronger one so I told him if the next one hurt like the last I was calling the doctor. 5 minutes later and I had a stronger one which at that point I knew for sure and told him I was without a doubt in labor and I was calling the hospital to tell them we were on the way. He starts getting the kids ready while I'm huffing and puffing through contractions that kept getting stronger. We drop the kids off at my MIL and got to the hospital at 8:20 ( it's about an hour away. They took me straight into a room and checked me and I was 5 cm and my waters were bulging. They started getting everything hooked up and I got my epidural around 9 which was completely horrible I think he messed up big time, that was the first time I had a epidural that hurt so bad. At 9:30 the doctor came in and broke my water and checked me and I was 7 cm. 5 minutes after that my epidural wears off... The nurse gave me more which still wasn't working.. I asked her when she would check me and she said she would every hour unless I feel pressure. I told her I could feel more pressure that she might want to check. She did and I was 9 cm.. she said she was going to get the doctor. She left the room and I could feel him moving down so I started pushing the nurse button over and over and never gave them a chance to respond. My body was shaking horribly from the pain and then the nurse finally come back in and I told her he was coming. She checked and said I was complete so we started pushing. The doctor came in right after the nurse and delivered my sweet baby boy at 10:56 a.m weighing 6 pounds 14 ounces and 20 in long. He is 3 days old today and perfectly healthy with just a little bit of jaundice but not bad