looking for advice/help.

I am 32 and a half weeks pregnant and have been working full time on the ambulance since day 1. For those of you who may not understand what an EMT does, we lift very heavy objects/patients numerous times a day, sometimes moving these patients up and down hills/mountains, through forests etc.., we deal with combative people who like to hit, kick, spit, slap, whatever they can do, we rarely get any rest working 24-48 hour shifts, and the list goes on. It's a very demanding job. While I love what I do, I can't help but being absolutely miserable at this point. My stomach gets in the way of me lifting safely, I'm not getting any rest, the lifting brings on Braxton Hicks contractions, sometimes I'm going hours without getting a bite to eat... I was supposed to start in the office in September, that lasted one whole week before they told me they have nothing else for me to do and put me back on the ambulance. My doctor also says he sees "no reason why I shouldn't be able to work". I'm at a breaking point. What would you all do?? I literally can't think of anything to say to my boss or DR to get put on light duty..