I have the love of my life an STD

So back in January while we were broken up and had been for 4 months I ended up being peer pressured and having sex with a guy I didn't really feel comfortable with. We were using a condom and then he took it off after I said no multiple times. My boyfriend and I got back together in May and neither one of us had any symptoms until recently when I started smelling horrible so I went to my OB. They diganosed me with BV on the spot and gave me a medicine for it but called me to tell me I came back positive for Chlamydia. I first accused my boyfriend of cheating then he accused me of cheating, after we both realized no one had been cheating we talked about my hook up in January. I don't know what to do, he seems like everything is alright and we're both getting medicine tonight for it but things we're going perfect and he said we're back to square one. If anyone has some advice or supportive words I could really use that right now, my mom is on a buisness trip and I don't want to tell anyone I actually know. SOS