what to do?!?

So I've been with my bf for almost two years now and I really truly fell in love with him. Just recently I cheated on him. No sex or anything just kissing. This went on for about 3 days and I decided I was being crazy and I wasn't myself and I had to tell him. We're in college and about to go to class so I figured I tell him after at home. He comes over to pick me up and X (the boy I kissed) texts me. I had told X the night before that I was going to tell my bf the truth and that we (X & I) had to stop. Well the bf reads the text before I got to it and let's just say all hell breaks loose. We yelled and screamed and it was a huge fight. He graciously still loved me and decided we would try to work it out. It has been about two weeks now and we are getting back to normal slowly but surely. But, I can't stop thinking about X. We have a class together so it's hard to avoid him and I miss him. I like hanging out and having fun. It wasn't about the kisses and sex with him. He was just all fun and honesty and caring. So now I feel like a bad gf and X isn't too happy because he found out about the bf. I want them both. Which is bad to say but it's the truth....I just needed to get it out there and hopefully you girls could help me out.