Should I be selfish?

Background: I'm 29, he's 32. We have a 2 year old and got married in April.

A few months ago my husband and I discussed that we were ready to have another child. So he stopped pulling out most of the time, but I've never been good at tracking my period/ovulation and we've yet to get pregnant.

Well I've recently started working out and making more time for myself along with thinking about my 30th birthday(in december) and I'm having second thoughts about having a baby Right Now!

I worry about talking to him because I don't want him to think I'm trying to impress somebody else. He's not a good communicator and I know he would just say "It's up to you" like he usually does.

Am I terrible for wanting to be selfish for a change and focus on myself for the next three months?? Is it worth talking to him or should I just pay more attention and avoid sex on ovulation days for now? I'm not used to putting myself first and this is a hard decision for me.