
Emani • I`m 25 years old. Mommy to two babies. Baby #3 due October 2020❤️
Anyone finding it hard to wean off of this medicine? At the beginning of the pregnancy I was taking four a day (one in the morning, one in the afternoon, and two right before bed). Towards the end of the first trimester up until the present, I take just the two pills at bedtime. If I forget to take the two pills the night before, my next day is fucked! I am nauseated all day, can barely get out of the bed and have at least one explosive vomit by the end of the day. When I was pregnant with my daughter, i didn't take any medication I just dealt with the morning sickness, but right at 12/13 weeks it was like night and day, the morning sickness was gone. This time around I just can't shake it. I thought it would be over by now but without those pills I'm still suffering. Anyone like me?