letting go

How hard was it for you to give up on something you really wanted? 
My husband and I have been trying to conceive since feb this year, we've had three consecutive miscarriages 
We decided that This month will be my last month tracking, taking meds, scheduling. 
We also decided that we would do everything we could this month to give it our best try. We agreed to sex every other day during my fertile week. After all, throughout this whole headache, that's the one and only thing we actually can control. 
Needless to say, he found more excuses this month to not touch me. We only made love one time this whole week and I'm so hurt. 
Not just because the chances of me being pregnant are slim because of that, but also because all I wanted was the comfort of knowing we did everything we could this month, before I finally let go of this. 
Looks like I won't have that comfort and closure I needed.