pregnant and attempted robbery

Hey guys. This story is long but it's necessary. I really need some opinions on this. Ok so I'm 34 weeks pregnant. High risk. On bed rest because I'd early delivery and I'm already dialated. I'm a newly wed  get married in June and found out I was pregnant during that. We moved out the city and into the country in August to start our family. Everyone has been really nice. When we moved, because I have anxiety, my husband got me a watch dog to assist and protect and he lives inside with me. So Tuesday, something happened. My husband always leaves for work at the same time every morning.. But on this particular morning, he woke me up. He said someone left me white flower, a bouquet like they were picked from the garden on my car. I was like very confused. I went to the door and there was of course white flowers, what looked like white lillies. He asked me who are they from. I was just as lost as he was. There was no note. I said leave them there and he did. He said you're gonna be ok. I said yeah. And I let him go to work. This is where it gets very scary and weird. My dog stays by the door. Meaning something is there. I said lets go to bed. He didn't follow me. So I immediately called my mom. She said get a knife/ mase that I have abs get my keys and leave. I'm get ready to get my pants and my dog starts growling and barking aggressively at the door. I panick. My mom tries to calm me down. I open the door and the flowers are gone and my service dogs runs Ann's barks to the back yard! And I slam the door and lock it back!! I call 911. But it hangs up on my mom (she also sends my dad for me cuz she thought the intruder got me because the phone hung up on her) 911 made me mad, they kept asking questions and I could be getting killed while they ask me a ton of questions. When I call them, I immediately tell them my name and address and say someone is trying to get me and break in. When she said police is on their way, I hung up on them because she was trying to get me to stay on the phone. I stood on my hallway holding my weapon, pregnant, scared and my stomach started to hurt and I was crying saying my baby. My neighbor came to my door when I texted her and she walked me to her house. When I got outside, she said what's wrong. And I told her, she said flowers? I said yeah. She said there's a trail of what look like someone grab and the petals was left going behind my house. My dog return and he just got in my car and would not get out. It was very odd. My mom called back, the police showed up along with my dad and the police even said it was weird. If it was just normal break in, they would just break in and take what they want. But this was something more.  Someone was definitely watching me he said and they could only rely on one consistent pattern. The time my husband leave. Because we come home anytime in the night. And I get up at anytime but there is gap that you would know I'm home. They have had officers to patrol my road but I haven't been home since then. I have stayed with my parents and my husband has been begging me to come home. He was very angry that someone would wait til he leave to try something. So the question remains... What could it have been? A peeping tom? A stalker? A scare tactic? A predator? Why leave flowers??? And then take them away?? And why target a pregnant lady that's about to go in to labor??