First time mom birth story

Due date: September 4th 2016. First a little background. 
I went to my 36 week appointment and was already at 3cm and 80%. 37 week appointment I was still the same. I hadn't been having sex a lot, and they say having sex might help start things. Well it would get me all crampy and lead to nothing. Which is fine I was like when he's ready to come he will.  38 weeks I was 4cm and the doctor stripped my membranes trying to see if it would help start things on its own. I left and was really crampy throughout the day and had some spotting, but it stopped by the next day. Once she stripped my membranes I started getting contractions when before I hadn't had any. I ended up going to the doctors to see if I had dilated any more. For me my blood pressure started to get higher. They ended up sending me to labor and delivery, but they sent home.The midwife was like I think you will have a fast labor once it does happen. Her and the nurse are like I hope we are here when it's the real deal. My husband works out of state 5 hours away, so I'm just worried that he won't make it in time. 39 week appt I was 5cm. At this point the doctors are like you're very favorable and already 5cm I don't see why they won't admit you. At 6cm they will automatically keep you. So they sent me back to labor and delivery. At this point I'm starting to feel bad in general starting to swell which I hadn't before and my blood pressure still being a little high for me. They said it still wasn't enough for them to keep me. The doctor comes in and is like oh you can be at 5cm for weeks and people are in labor for like 20+ hours. My doctor was actually there and she knew I wasn't feeling well in general and decided to induce me on Sunday which was my due date since she was on call that day. I told my husband the plan and luckily he was coming home anyway for Labor Day weekend. Saturday night I got a call from the hospital saying my doctor was switching to Saturday the 3rd and they would induce me then and to call  at 6am Saturday morning. I prepare everything I need and myself Friday night. Saturday morning; which I am 39 weeks and 6 days,I wake up at 5am take a shower have everything ready to go and call the hospital. They say a lot of people came in today and to call back around 3:30 we will try to get you in then. Okay, so I went back to sleep for a little bit. Around 8am I ended up having sex, and trying to go back to sleep. Almost immediately I start having contractions. I figured they wouldn't lead to anything and would eventually go away because having sex before didn't do anything for me. I tried sleeping and putting a heating pad under my back which has worked previously. This time it wasn't helping at all. I wasn't able to sleep through them and so I got up trying to sit and walk and see if anything helped with the pain. Nothing did. I do this for about an hour and a half so at 9:30 My mom calls and says they are getting donuts if we want to come over for breakfast. I said im not really feeling well. I didn't want to say I'm in labor and it be false. I say we will come over for a little bit. I wake my husband up and say lets go to my moms house.I am trying to walk and it's getting to the point I can barely walk. We get in the car and head to my moms I said if it keeps up I'll call when we get to my moms. We leave at about 10. It's only 10 minutes away. Halfway there I'm like nope I'm calling. So I call and I'm waiting for the on call doctor to call me back. ( which just so happens to be my doctor) she calls back just as I get to my moms house. she's asking questions and I have a contraction during and can't talk through it. She says come In and we will check you. The hospital is a about 40 minutes away from my moms house. My mom follows behind us.I'm in the car and I'm like kill me now. The pain is so bad. I just want drugs NOW!!! Im starting to feel the need to push. About half way there i feel like I'm leaking. We get to the hospital at about 11 am. It happens to be the same nice women from before when I was there. They try to get a urine sample and Ilook down and there's quite a bit of blood and I can't pee anyway. My moms like you need to check her now. The nurse is like oh calm down mom. The midwife checks me and her face goes white. She's like you should alert the doctor. She's like you're at 10. She says she thinks there will be a baby within 45 mins. She's like it's too late for an epidural. I'm like NO!!!!! She says they can give me something to take the edge off. I'm like well that's my only choice so great. They wheel me to my room. They are trying to get an iv in me now. Then the nurse goes it's too late for any medicine too. I'm like F**k. I'm pushing a little on my own at this point. At 11:45 my water breaks. They finally get my iv in after 4 failed attempts. It's only in for about 5 minutes as once I started pushing it got ripped out. I started push pushing at 12:07. At 12:13 my baby is born. 6 pounds 8oz  and 18 inches long. I'm still in shock as to how fast everything went. About a 4 hour labor! All the nurses were talking about me because it went so fast. I'm glad my husband was already home because if I went into labor and had to call him at work he would not have made it!