Wanted to share the load of CRAP I went though!

Kierstin • Wife to an amazing Husband and Mommy to an amazing little girl 💕
So i'm 13 weeks and three days pregnant and about two weeks ago I noticed and not right in between my butt crack, it didn't really hurt it was just sore to the touch. So I bring it up to my OB/GYN, he said not to worry about it and just take warm baths. Fast forward to three days later it's the size of my fist and I can't walk, sit down, or even wipe myself. I the ER I go! " My husband and I were in the process of moving 4 states the NEXT day" they told me there was nothing they could do and gave me some anabiotic's. It was awful, I couldn't pack I couldn't help put anything in the car, couldn't wash clothes, couldn't even MOVE. So after laying in the back of the car the entire tree up I got to Kentucky where we moved and headed straight for the ER, because I obviously couldn't take it anymore and they wanted me to have surgery over this not, they told me the infection could literally terminate my pregnancy! So I chose not to get the surgery because of the anesthetic, my only option was to get it cut out with no numbing whatsoever or any painkillers. Now after all of this shit is over with I'm laying in my bed thanking God I can set on my ass again😂🙌🏼