What's the issue (25 WEEKS)

These past couple nights I've been getting hot flashes and immediately have to run to throw up. Sitting on the restroom floor helps me cool down. Today while I was at work I was listening to my boss talk and started to get hot then started swearing in between my boobs and then started getting sweat beads all over my face. I realized I wasn't even listening to her at this point and everything was starting to sound really fuzzy. I had to excuse myself and as soon as I got up to go to the restroom I felt so weak and had to stop walking for a sec until my vision cleared up. When I got to the restroom I couldn't sit myself down lightly. I fell. I then threw up. I chilled out for a second and got back up and everything was fine. It's been on and off like this. Usually it's late at night but it was this morning today.