First month clomid + HSG

I took provera 10 mg for 10 days to induce AF and started my first round of clomid. I took 50 mg days 5 - 9 and had minimal side effects. Had HSG CD 9 and showed everythings normal and RE told us to start getting busy because my chances are boosted from.the HSG. Starting CD 12 I started getting EWCM and had pinching plus started getting high readings on my opks. CD 16 early morning got positive opk on clearblue advanced digital and 12 hrs later my wondfo was positive. I had my monitoring appointment and she confirmed a 20 mm follicle! First time not getting a false positive opk. Just waiting to drop this egg 👏 My progesterone blood test is the 17th. I'm excited just the fact I ovulated for the first time on my first month of clomid. 😊