Graphic Addiction. Please only comment. If you have ***personal experience*** No Judgment PLEASE

If you haven't ever been addicted to "icecream" full on for any amount of time go back. Don't know what that is please go back this won't relate to you at all... Anyone with negative thoughts and comments already please go back. Anyone at any point reading realizes you have NO personal experience meaning you yourself (BUT some cases if you literally walked side by side them as in watched them in the "process or action" was openly talked about it to ect. If even question yourself being in that selected few don't comment press back) again please no judgment or hate..... back in April the "point" was introduced into my life. The biggest one I ever did was a 50 or damn close. If it's not at least a half of a quarter. I'm good to just feel I done it like a roach when you had already smoked down that day compared to a blunt a hour after waking up. And always within a few hours depending how big of one & the quality I'll be ready for another. Like 2 hours after a damn good one that should be a good 10 6 high I'm ready for another though i don't could 8/10 time directly after or 30 minutes tops of slamming one which should last 8 hours of a actual good rabbit without a head running around its not enough. & I continue to get worse... Anyone with experience please put in your thoughts comments and anything else below. As above anyone with out personal experience please don't comment & no putting down or preaching. Rehab comments please keep to yourself that's not what I'm wanting. I want to know struggles, anyone else's story's on quitting without rehab. Or with but I don't want any rehab recommendations...