Help bf problems with mother!!!!! Read email

Hey everyone so I need some advice. I'm a stuck I don't know what to do. I have children and one on the way with the guy I'm with. I have been previously married but divorced and met this wonderful man. He's so good to my kids and me we live together and having a child together now. He's a doctor. But my issue with him is that his friends talk bad about me and how I've been married before and have kids. And he doesn't stuck up for me. Then he finally tells his mother 5 months after us been together and living together that we are dating. She doesn't know anything els3. Well once she found out I have kids and have been married she's trying to convince him to break up with me. And now she's trying to convince him to distance me and my kids and to end things.I have never spoken to the women or anything. I love this man I told him he just need to tell them we are living with him and that I'm pregnant with his child that he loves me and want to marry me. He says he's not telling her anything till after my first trimester. Please help I need advice. She keeps sending emails saying a bunch of things. Here's one from here.

Hi Baba,

I start this message with a heavy heart, very heavy and extremely sad over what you shared. Please don't shut down because you may not be open to hear what I have to say but here I go. Please remember that other than God, there is no one who would ever love you more than your mom. I have great concerns over the information you shared.

I pray daily that God would gift you a future wife who truly loves Him and loves you. I pray the one He brings forth is one who has never been married or who has children. Both are a lot to bring into a relationship and to a potential marriage. Oh Baba, my heart is uneasy and broken over your current situation and choice. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE pause and think of this relationship in ways you may not have ever thought of before. There's so much on my mind, so very much. Please be careful not to have sex (protected or otherwise) with Crystal. Please do not put yourself in the position of possibly birthing a child with her. I am not judging her, however, I can look at her circumstances, marriages, number of children and have concern about your well being and her motives to date you. I don't want you trapped or in danger. I pray she's not living with you. I pray you can step back and ask yourself if this relationship is in your best interest or in Crystal's. I don't want you used but more importantly, I don't want you to get hurt I don't know her, however, her past brings many concerns to my mind and heart.

I will not mention this to your dad or your sister. I pray you don't regret sharing what you've shared with me. God is purposeful and He appointed our conversation. He allows things for reasons we don't know. I pray God can use me to help you look at this relationship in ways you have not.

I pray we can talk when you visit. Baba, know I have your best interest at heart.

Have a safe evening and get home safe. I love you forever.
