Can't get my LO to sleep without me! Need advice


Hi mamas!! I'm looking for some advice - any and all suggestions are welcome!

My daughter is just shy of 7 weeks old and has been diagnosed with colic and reflux. Its been a little rough over at our house to say the least but her pediatrician started her on zantac a little over a week ago. The medicine paired with switching to Dr. Browns bottles and religiously adding gas drops to every bottle seems to be helping a lot which i'm so thankful for. Our other struggle right now is with her sleeping. Although she sleeps 4-6 hour stretches at night which has been great, she doesn't nap during the day. I'm talking not at all. Maybe a few quick cat naps throughout the day but  that's only if she is sleeping on me. She liked to sleep in her wrap (were a big fan of baby wearing in this house!) but other than that she won't sleep unless it's in my arms. As soon as I put her down anywhere else she's awake. Needless to say no naps lead to a pretty exhausted and cranky baby.

I'm looking for any suggestions from any of you on how we can get her to sleep (and stay asleep) other than when we're holding her. I love the snuggles more than anything but unfortunately i'm going back to work in a few weeks and want to try to break this habit because I know she will struggle with it when she's at daycare and Nonna's house. Thanks in advance!!