Son of family friends just asked if i want to have Sex wiyh him!


Me and my mother are staying at friend's house for two days. They have three boys (24,20,15 years old). They all know me since im a baby. The older brother asked me if i want to see something. I said yes. (I was polit). He took me to his room and locked the door. ( I was a bit suspicious since that moment, like why did you just locked your door?) He started to talk with me and asked questions. When i didn't have anything aels to say and i understood that he doesn't really want to show me anything he started to tell me how pretty and beautiful im. I said thank you.

And then he asked me if i want to Sleep with him. (have sex with him)

I was in shock.

Im still in shock.

Like wtf! Im so uncomfortable right now.

He told me not to tell anybody about him asking.

What just happened?!