41 weeks & In Labor with my Stubborn Oct Baby

I'm 41 weeks today. Came in yesterday morning to start the induction process. Was put on pitocin from 10:45am-5. Only dilated to a 1cm.  So they did cervadil from 5pm-5am, still only a 1cm. So another round of pitocin was started at 7:45am this morning. As of 11 I was still a 1. At 12 I stood up to go to use the bathroom & my water broke and went everywhere. They checked me and I'm finally at a 2. 
I'm trying to "breathe" my way through my contractions while waiting for my doc to get his slow self to the hospital. 
I'm a FTM and have no idea what to expect, so any words of advice or encouragement would be appreciated.