Where should I hide my birth control?

So me and my mom are currently living in separate homes due to her financial problems and I stay with my Aunt. My mom recently took me to the doctor to be put on birth control and I start taking it after my next period. I don't really want my aunt to know i'm taking it, just because I think she'd be a little judgy about it. I share a room with my cousin here, and everything in here is mostly her's. My aunt cleans just about everything and I'm not sure where I could keep it to where she wouldn't come across it. It's in my purse currently and I thought i could keep it there and take it after everyone has gone as i'm the last one to leave the house, but i was worried about weekends when i'm home and everyone's home in the mornings. I'm probably overthinking this totally, but is there any clever places to hide it that i could easily access it without conflict? Thank you!