
I just started my freshman year of HS. I have a science class, filled with Seniors and a couple juniors, making me the only freshman and no sophomore.
Anyway there is a boy in this class and he "eaves me in complete shock.
For the story we'll call him K. K is 16-18, he has a son due in December (with isn't all that surprising. Teens make mistakes) I overheard a conversation (complete accident, which j haven't now.) K was telling his friend how the 3 girls before his baby momma he didn't use protection or pull out and they aren't pregnant, and he only half came in her... (WTF?!)
Then the other day K was taking to a friend (again wasn't trying to ease drop) and told him "I don't date whores. They turn into whores because I treat them like one." (Who even says that?) 
Then he continued to laugh and share nudes of girl that he'd been exchanging nudes with. Showing other girls nudes without their permission!
Finally, I find out (from his mouth!) that last year, K was getting a blow job (yea for him I guess) and decided to a take a picture of her. And if that wasn't bad enough, it was part of a dare and since he wasn't a 'pussy' he sent it to everyone he knew on Snapchat, including his story....
I just want to know if I'm being to sensitive to the subject, or if I have a valid reason to be traumatised.

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