I have a cold 😷😰

Hi ladies! 
I am so bummed out right now! My friends and their four kids aged 10 and under stayed with my husband and I this weekend. They all had colds and had runny noses and sore throats. They left and today I am so sick! I have a head cold with coughing, sneezing, sinus headache behind eyes,  and stuffy/runny nose. I am also extremely tired. I've already accidentally kissed/shared things with husband but he claims he'll be ok (he also claims I got it from him because his nose was runny the other day. But I think it was this kids!) and I feel terrible for possibly having just exposed him to the cold I have. I feel so miserable and run down! 😨
Is it normal as an adult to get a cold easily? Should I be worried that my immune system may be low? 
Taking care of myself. Sitting in front of the fireplace ❤️🔥