Please help!!! 😦

I just started trying about 3 weeks ago when I went off my birth control. I had my "period" almost a week after I stopped and according to the app I should be ovulating. Every test I have taken has been negative. I took a pregnancy test yesterday just to see and it was negative. I was on the pills and they say those leave your system quickly. We have had sex 4 times in the last 8 days but the constant headache I have had for 3 is killing my mood. I had discharge yesterday that was yellow which isn't my normal but no smell. I don't want to get excited because I don't like the disappointment of a negative test. Also should mention before I went on birth control I would always take test randomly always negative. He went to the Dr and the put him on clomid about 2 months ago. Please someone help me idk what to think. Also I have had random cramps lately.