30 day cycle with long luteal phase


Hi. I have 29/30 day regular cycle. My last period was 15 sep. Doc called me on cd 12 to see my eggs for ovulation. She told me I already have ovulated on cd 10. Now its cd 30 with bfn. Today is the first day of missed period. Iam never late. It means my luteal phase is 20 days today. I am very scared now. If I get bfp within next days. Will it cause problem in my pregnancy? I read here very long luteal phase can cause miscarriage. Please guide me.

UPDATE: I had blood test on cd 31 to confirm if I am pregnant or not but it came back negative. Now its cd 35 still no AF :/ with no AF symptoms. But I am sick for sime days. Sore throat, flu, little nausea. I dnt know what is going on with my body :(