hospital drive time

Just wondering how far away from a hospital do some of y'all live? We are almost five miles away(4.8)? And does that affect how your stay will be- like partner staying with you?
I was just asking bc Im curious of many things. I have always lived close by and my brother and his gf live here in town but they decide to go to a hospital outta town and it struck me as weird. I have family here that can come up but I personally don't expect(rather not) anyone to stay with me. My brother couldn't stay with his gf bc of work but when he was off he was there with her for awhile. Those who live close may not necessarily pack a bag for their stay bc loved ones can easily go to their house and get what is needed. And those who live far away from hospitals just wanted to kinda hear what you would do if you go into labor...I have been induced with my first two- no medical reason so it was just like a dr appointment I didn't leave😊