super jealous but .... with fantasies ??

Hi, first of all, I would like to make a confession and honestly, I wouldn't like to be judged or criticize by my words, is just I don't have the trust to talk about this with anyone and I feel that I'm wrong with what's going on with me.. So  I  would like to ask you kindly just read my words and if you can give me some supporting with advices and that stuff, that would be helpful... it's just I'm soooo confused... I want to recognize through this that  I'm jealous of ALL women who talks to my partner. And by ALL, I mean it! Even her nieces,cousins, sisters, all his women friends because I get really mad when I see someone trying to be flirty or just nice to him! And when he return the flirt or the nice actions, I just explode inside and no matter how hard I try to not look like a paranoid jealousy girlfriend, he obviously see it! But the worst part, I believe , is that I get extra jealous but also, I start to have fantasies watching my boyfriend doing something sexual with them!! And even sometimes I got orgasms because of that... I know that I look kind of masochist and twisted, but  I didn't see it as a real problem until I started to feel that twisted circle of jealousy and fantasies with his own family. With his niece, for being more clear. He has a 16 yr old niece and she is super flirty with him. It's like she is getting into the maturity and she wants to have his attention and others no matter what. When we go to visit his family, and she is there, she starts to act like a seductive person like walking super close to him, showing her belly and laying in the sofa with literally open legs (and wearing tiny shorts) and nobody tell her something about that behavior!  and she does that kind of stuff that honestly, I believe any man fantasies.... and I don't know what to do in that case because is his niece! And when that's happening my mind can't stop thinking about them having something, and that makes me feel so wrong and bad person. My boyfriend is a great guy, he always smile and try to make feel better others, he is really kind with the people but with women more, and sometimes that makes that the women look for him naturally, because he has good vibes and is such a good friend and listener. But The list goes on, I get jealous when he talks to his family by phone (they live far from us, we barely see them 1 or 2 times per year!),get super mad when he send her mother money to help her with something, feel extra mad when he hugs and give presents to his teen nieces (one of them, the one who I'm talking about), get super jealous when he likes a picture of a friend of mine and he doesn't likes my pictures, and the history goes all like this with other things.. I feel like a need psychological advice but I'm not in my country where I can find my doctor, so meanwhile, I need to talk about all this feelings somewhere! He doesn't exactly knows what's going on with me, he only laughs and says I'm too jealous but he doesn't know that the problem is bigger! I am ashamed of this and can't talk about this with him because he will think I'm a completely twisted/lunatic/crazy person And I know the responsibility of those emotions are totally on me! What should I do?? (I know about the therapy, but other advice) I really need something to calm down, and I'm not talking about drugs... Just a few words or what do u think.....thank u so much for reading me!!