Don't want to be over due!

Charlotte • 💏 + 🎀👶10/28/16 + 🍬👶03/20/18
There's 2 days until my due date and I'm so ready for her to come out. I don't want to be over due, I can't stand everyone calling and "just dropping by" and posting all over my stuff telling me to "pop it out already" as if I can control going into labor. I just want to be left alone about it and have my baby girl in my arms and then I want to be left alone some more lol. No-one cared or wanted to talk to me or visit me before. Not even during most of this pregnancy but now that it's October suddenly everyone want to see her. No-one even came to the baby shower, literally NO ONE! and they still think they get some right to be called when she comes, show up and touch her and meet her and be in my business, and she isn't even here yet!!!! Ugh I'm so angry. I want her all to myself, no-one deserves to get anything when she comes. Yet everyone thinks they have the right to demand calls and visits and I'm so already over it. I just want to have her and my husband can deal with calls but I refuse to have a bunch of people who couldn't care enough when we were in need of help and baby stuff and work and support, just coming in now because they want to touch and see the new baby. F them!