Fertility drugs??


This month makes 2 years that my husband and I have been trying for a baby. I miscarried in January. This week I talked to my doctor about our options. I am going to have some labs done on my progesterone levels to see if they are low. (I'm using the clear blue advance ovulation tests, the ones with smiley faces, and I'm not getting my peak day. I have fertility days, but never a peak day.) He said the problem could be that I'm just not ovulating well enough to actually get pregnant. Once the labs come back we'll make the decision on what to do. (I have to have the blood drawn on day 21 of my cycle..of course when I went to the doctor it was day 25..now I have to wait a month)

He is considering starting me on clomid if my levels come back low or borderline low. I just wanted to get some opinions on it. If it worked for you? If it didn't? And did you have multiples?