back pain that feels like fire

That's literally how my lower back feels. Like there's a burning sensation and I can feel muscles tightening I just assumed they were Braxton hicks. This has been going on for a few hours now. It started about halfway through my work day and now I'm home and tried laying and sitting, neither helped. The pain is tolerable but still hurts. I've tried stretching and cracking my back and that hasn't helped either. I have no idea what contractions feel like since this is my first baby but This doesn't feel normal. The pain kind of radiates through my tailbone. I thought it could be the sciatica nerve but it intensifies every so often and I've literally never felt this.
Like most of pregnancy though, things can be normal but feel awful. I'd have to go into the emergency room to be seen and my doctor is not available to take calls today. I've been at work all day and would rather not go sit and the ER just to be told I'm fine. Is this normal?? Has anyone had this happen or know what it could be?