Grrr maybe I'm overreacting but please just hear me out!

I've known my boyfriend for almost 7 months and we started dating 2 months ago. He's my first, I was a virgin up until a month ago.

We've been using condoms and I hope to go to the IUD. Um I'm kind of a sensitive person who is self conscious but in front of people I put on an appearance of being tough I guess. But when I'm with him I can be me. If I'm nervous or uncomfortable we talked about it. I feel so comfortable with him whether it's picking out an outfit or having sex or anything I can openly talk to him and not be judged. He's my safe place.

Well we had sex today, we were then snuggling and just kissing and talking and his phone went off like 5 times in a minute. I wasn't bothered like he has a life and so do I we are cool about that stuff.

But it kept going off. We would be talking and he'd pause to respond. So like 5 times later I was like is everything ok? He's like yeah it's just my buddy's girlfriend.

I laughed and was like tell her you're busy but I was being funny and kissed him right after I said it and smiled. Then he was like she's complaining about her boyfriend to him because she's pregnant and hormonal. I was like so why is she texting you sort of thing and he's like I don't know. Then he proceeded to continue to text her more.

I literally stood up and got dressed and after I was fully dressed he was like why are you dressed?

He didn't even notice that I had gotten up in the first place.

I just said I should get going and that was the extent of it.

Can I have your input ? Thanks everyone