I just watched something that literally blew my mind. I cannot even.

So this is going to be a really nerdy post, but I've been having this series of dreams for the last 3 years. I only get them every once in a while, I have written it down in a journal in detail so I do not forget, because when I did forget the first parts I'd just dream them again like I was starting over. Dreams are just dreams right? Some famous authors dream like this and have written books on their dreams. Might as well just write it down a pay attention.
 The story line of this dream is basically world wide depopulation of the human race and a group of people responsible, nuclear war over politics and religion On the entire planet. A small amount of people survived. They evolved because of the wars, it wasn't just one Big Bang and everyone was out it was years and years of nuclear war. So the surviving human beings reproduced evolved humans that were basically an entire new species, didn't look like humans anymore. They were basically war bread, inhuman strengths and I can't even explain this to you. In the instance that they were blown up, they rose from the ground with spewing fire from their eyes and mouths. Nature made a way for the human race even if the human race was trying to be the end of itself. The evolved ends up killing the less evolved humans and repopulate the earth. Calling it the new world. No war, no religion. They base morality on evidence and compassion. Their world flourishes with life and the world heals over millions of years.
I still have dreams about it. Smaller shorter dreams that give more detail of what goes down and there's actual characters with their own story lines. 
 I just found this video online, if someone interviewing something that looks like an alien saying it has traveled back in time (obviously it's fake it just..just listen) and that it is here to observe because evidence of the past had been destroyed in nuclear war due to politics and religion. It says their species based morality on compassion and evidence. as I watched this, I felt pains in my stomach as absolutely everything matched up. I can't believe what I just watched, idk how to really feel about it. Someone stole my dreams. I'll find the link and post it at some point even though that's pointless, but idk how to even feel. I just had to share this I had to talk about it.  