crazy teething from hell

So my 6.5 month old cut her two bottom teeth about 3 weeks ago and though she was a bit bitey about it, she really didn't fuss to hard about them. Now that the top ones are coming though, holy cow, the poor thing is suffering so bad! We took a 6 hour flight yesterday and she was great! But she woke up in the middle of the night with a fever and wouldn't feed all night long, despite waking every couple hours. Allllll day she was crying and fussing for no reason. Had to keep giving her Tylenol or she wouldn't eat and even when she did, she would cry out in pain every time she latched on and would only feed very slowly. I'm so engorged. 
Anyone been through this? How long will this teething hell go on for? She's extremely tired from all the travelling which is only making everything harder but she's so fussy it's hard for her to get any rest