Concerned and Confused and a bit sad

On Friday I had a blood test at my fertility clinic which came back positive but low. 6.75 miu/ml. Later that day at home I took a 1st response test and it had a very faint line and I also took a digital Clearblue which said "pregnant 1-2 weeks".
Today I had my second round of bloodwork and my nurse just called and said I am likely miscarrying because my hcg is only 14miu/ml. She wants me to come back on Friday to recheck but that she thinks I will likely get my period between now and Friday and I will miscarry.
I am devastated but trying hard not to get too worked up because technically I'm still pregnant, so hoping against hope that my hcg levels will shoot up on Friday.
Has anyone had this happen? What was the result? 
Also, I have an extremely stressful job and I am thinking that maybe I should quit. We can't really afford to be a one income household but there isn't a way for my job to be less stressful so what am I to do.
Anyway, just needed to get it out there. Thanks for taking the time to read.