Craziest Anniversary Ever 😳😳

UPDATE: Today we went for our second ultrasound at the high risk ob/gyn, and sadly we found out that one of our triplets didn't make it 😕 But the good news is that the other two are looking healthy and strong, heartbeats were 162 and 161. My husband and I are heartbroken about our third little angel, but we're beyond excited and happy about our two little blessings coming in May! Everything happens according to God's plan, so we are trusting in Him and praying for a healthy pregnancy and delivery for our twins!! 
ORIGINAL POST: Today is me and my husband's first was also our first ultrasound appointment since we found out we were pregnant. As soon as we looked at the screen, we saw two little babies right there clear as day, which was already shocking enough. But then all of a sudden, we saw not two, but THREE little babies looking back at us. And we heard all three heartbeats, 168, 164 and 136. Our minds are COMPLETELY blown. I have been sick all day, I guess because of the shock/nerves/excitement/anxiety. I know we have been blessed beyond belief, and I am already so in love with all three of my little jelly beans, but holy crap I'm still terrified. I don't know how we are going to do this, but I do know I'm going to be praying like crazy for God to show me the way!!Â