Ok so I went blonde and it fried my hair. It's so horrible so I came to terms with having to cut it off to about midway between my nip and collarbone. I was pretty upset but now I am so excited and I'm cutting it bc I want to, not just because it's damaged.
Well I have had quite long hair for years now and now every time I tell somebody i am cutting it they will just tell me not to. And it's like ok fuck you.  I'm going to do it anyway. Stop trying to stop me from doing something I want to do because you think it wouldn't look good on me or something?? I would never say that to anyone. I would just say omg are you nervous or are you excited or maybe wow it's gunna look good on you. I would never fuckin say omg no don't cut it, it is so pretty blah blah blah. 
Also another thing that pisses me off is that I'm a fake ass fuckin bleach blonde. I have only been this way since June. I tell ppl I'm going back to my NATURAL color of brown and they basically beg me not to. Like fuck uou asshole, what's wrong with my natural color? You prefer this fake ass color over my natural color well guess what butter fucking cup I don't care and I'm doing it anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BYE FELICIA!!!
That is all. Thx