Assholes at school

I'm in 9th grade and yesterday I was walking down the hall and I saw two juniors (guys) further down the hall, (I was getting my binder out of my locker so it was just me and them in the hall) I kept walking down as one of them walked to the other side of the hall so I would have to walk through them. I looked up at one of them and this guy is staring at me like a fucking creep! He is totally checking me out! So I keep walking and then he says "Daaamn are you sure you a 9th!?" I turn around and say "ew wtf back off" and they were kinda shocked looking cause most 9th graders at my school are sort of the shy conservative type, "fresh meat" if ya know what I mean. Then I keep walking away and here them start talking about some girl their friend was dating, and how she was "such a slut" then as I turned the corner I saw out of the corner of my eye both guys staring at me again in that creeping way! Ugh sometimes guys just piss me off🖕🏼