Went into labor day of csection

On May 31 I went to Dr because I was having some bleeding. Not dilated still high and thick said i was starting to loose mucus plug csection was set for june2nd had to be there at 530am. Well I was starting to hurt all day on June 1st but I just assumed that it was just Braxton hicks because I was never dilated just the other day and none of my other kids would come in their own had to be induced first 2 were vaginal delivery and 3rd was csection so I was having a repeat with 4th but come 11pm on the June 1 i was hurting so bad contractions 4-5min apart and we lived and hr and 15 min from hospital decided we better go. Got to hospital I was 3-4cm and 80% thinned they said well it took 24hr to get to this I think I can wait until schedule time which was 7am and here it is 130am june2nd now so I said ok about 45min later I told them pain getting worse hadn't had pain meds or iv in yet she can in checked me I was 6cm completely thinned and water was tight they called surgical team said we have to do csection now or when her water breaks were doing vaginal deliver I walked to OR got up on table as soon as she was trying to do my spinal block my water broke they hurried and did spinal and got baby out she was born at 320am