30 hours of labor & 60 seconds of pushing out came my little angel

Hulk • Married to the love of my life. LO finally made his debut on 7/22/15 😍🍼👣💙 Baby #2 💗🎀 born Oct 13, 2016!
October 12th, 4 days past due I was having the worst back pain. I thought it was just my normal backaches, but I couldn't get rid of it no matter what I did. Come evening, I put my son to sleep , watched a movie and ate and ate and ate. In the back of my mind I was thinking this is it and I don't want to starve like I did when I went in for my son. At 11:30pm I started timing the contractions. By midnight I told my husband it's go time. We grabbed some last few things I needed for the hospital and off we went leaving our son with my MIL. We get to the hospital at 12:30am and I was immediately taken to triage since I called my OB prior to going in. My contractions were between 2-5 minutes lasting a minute to 90 seconds. They were so painful I was crying. I was checked and told I was 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced. The nurse said she would keep me under observation until 6am per my OB orders. I walked the halls and bounced on the birthing ball until I could no longer handle the pain. I was given pain medication. Unfortunately it did nothing for the pain. Instead it made my contractions slow down. By 6 I was taken off the monitor and told I was being discharged. By that time I was 4 cm dilated and I was getting more consistent contractions, but they refused to admit me. So I was sent home. Right before I was discharged, they gave me an ambien and told me I'd be able to sleep through my contractions. Boy were they ever wrong. I cried every time I had one and I felt like I was having a seizure. I woke my husband up from my moaninf due to the pain. He helped me get up and said we are going back to the hospital. We got back 2 hours after initial discharge. They automatically admitted me since I felt like I was having a seizure. They checked me and I was at 5cm. By the time I signed the paperwork and they put me in my room, I was in agony. I begged for the epidural and I finally got it around 11:00am. I was checked again and was told I was between a 7-8 cm dilated. My OB came to check on me at 1:30pm and was getting ready to break my water when nurse told her I was getting my second dose of antibiotics for my positive GBS so she said she'll do it on her next round. Well another OB from the practice ended up coming in around 530pm and I hadn't progressed at all and my baby was face up. They ended up starting the Pitocin to speed things up at 730pm. By 10pm I started feeling pressure and dr checked things down there at 10:15. After breaking my water she told me to breathe, inhale, push back to back three times and out came Malaika Elise in less then 60secomds at 10:19pm 10/13/16. We are truly blessed with Gods gifts and we are so fortunate to be parents to two amazing children.
36 hours later
6 days old with big brother