Nervous and worried mommy-to-be...

After I tested positive at 13dpo, I went to see my GP. My ob/gyn didn't want to see me until I was 8 weeks along. I was disappointed. I'm 37 years old and took clomid 50mg this cycle to conceive. I figured my ob/gyn would get me in sooner to have my hcg and progesterone levels checked. I had to go into see my GP who did check my hcg along with my TSH. I forgot to ask about my progesterone level. Ugh! So Monday I'm calling my Ob/gyn and demanding it be checked, because I always spot a few days before my periods. I'm worried my progesterone level won't support this pregnancy. My hcg was 68 and TSH was 4.9! I have been taking 50mcg of synthroid since 2015 for borderline hypothyroidism. My synthroid was just increased today to 75mcg. Shouldn't it be doubled in dosage? I'm so confused and worried why my dr isn't at least referring me to a high risk ob specialist now. Are they waiting to see if I end up having a miscarriage, since "I'm barely pregnant." Those were the secretary's words at my GP's office today when I called about my test results. I don't want to ruin my chances of having a healthy pregnancy....prayers needed. Any advice will be appreciated.