How to know when enough is enough?

How do you know when it's time to leave? Time to stop forgiving and hoping he will change for the better? My boyfriend and I have been together for almost a year and just had a miscarriage in August...I want so badly to have a family, more than anything in the world, but at this point he doesn't always treat me that well anymore...especially when he has friends over...he makes me do everything for him when ppl are over even little things just so it looks like I do whatever he says...and honestly I think I'm a good girlfriend I do a lot for him. I cook I clean I do everything and I work full time. When I don't do exactly what he says he tells me I'm annoying and then we argue and he calls me awful names like a cunt and stupid bitch, but he always thinks it's my fault. How do you know when to just give up and leave? I want a family
So bad and I think he could have been a good dad too and we plan to start trying again but he just makes me feel so horrible sometimes idk what to do anymore.